Efficient digital workplace

Optimise the way you work with our digital workplace. Use the latest technologies for efficient collaboration and maximum productivity.

Instant productivity with CONVOTIS

We revolutionise the way you work and offer you a seamless working environment based on state-of-the-art technology. By integrating innovative tools and solutions, we enable you to collaborate efficiently, regardless of time and place. Find out how our digital workplace can help you increase your productivity and optimise your work processes.

Fast and customised
Your customised workstation in 15 minutes

Customise your selection – and your desired applications will be ready for use in 15 minutes.

myDESKTOP The virtual workplace from the cloud

  • Windows Desktop
  • Microsoft Office
  • Standard Tools
  • Live Backup

myAPPS SME business software from the cloud

  • extensive SME software catalogue
  • Data exchange between different software applications
  • Can be integrated with myDESKTOP

mySERVER Computing power from the cloud via self-service

  • Manage RAM, CPU and storage independently
  • Instance from 2GB, 1CPU, 50GB memory
  • myBACKUP

myMAIL Professional mail servers from the cloud

  • 25GB storage
  • Live Backup
  • Own domain
  • Webmail

myFILESHARE Your data - with you everywhere - from the cloud

  • 25GB memory
  • Windows, Linux, Apple, Android and web client

myBACKUP Back up your data in the cloud

  • Windows, Linux, Apple
  • Server
  • Workstation
  • Memory from 10GB

We take time for you. We look forward to hearing from you. Our team is ready to answer your enquiries and develop customised solutions for your needs. Contact us today to plan and realise your success together. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Our projects.
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Companies that rely on swisscloud

Get in touch

Are you looking for a cost-efficient operation for your digital workplace?
At CONVOTIS, we will find the right solutions for you.
We are happy to support you in optimising your digital working environment.

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