Maximum cloud potential with optimum security

We help you to protect your data and utilise the full potential of the cloud securely.

Customised and secure
Discover our cloud solutions

In an increasingly digitalised world, the cloud offers companies the flexibility and scalability they need to be successful. But security is also a crucial factor. Our customised cloud security solutions give you the protection and peace of mind you need to protect your data and systems from threats.

Switch and benefit
Your annual savings potential when switching to the cloud

Put together your individual selection.

Your annual savings potential when switching to the cloud

CHF 890

CHF 1320

CHF 1210
Maintenance costs

CHF 560
Licence costs

Our products
Our innovative range of products in the cloud

Discover our range of products that help you optimise your business processes, increase your efficiency and manage your data securely – all seamlessly and scalably in the cloud.

Cloud Computing The digital storage space for your individual needs

Cloud computing (also known as a computer cloud or data cloud) is an internet-based IT infrastructure that provides computing power, storage space and software applications. In short, cloud computing offers various IT infrastructures that can be accessed online and do not require a local installation on the local computer.

Private Cloud The customised cloud environment

The private cloud is a private computer cloud in a cloud environment that is made available exclusively to and operated by an organisation or company. Private cloud hosting and the administration of this cloud platform can be carried out either internally in the company's own data centre or by an external provider.

Public Cloud Here you share the user interface

The public cloud is a public computer cloud that provides access to various IT infrastructures and is accessible to the general public via the web. Various providers of public cloud service providers enable their customers to pay for access. Payment is based on actual usage and saves the need to finance a computer infrastructure or data centre infrastructure.

Hybrid Cloud Die clevere Kombi aus Private Cloud und Public Cloud

The hybrid cloud is a hybrid computer cloud that enables combined access to various IT infrastructures and connects the public cloud with the private cloud as required. Large cloud providers such as Microsoft, Google, IBM or AWS can also be connected to a hybrid cloud.

Data Security US Cloud Act, GDPR and Swiss DPA - your data security is important to us

We offer you reliable protection for your data in the cloud. In view of legal requirements such as the US Cloud Act, the GDPR and the Swiss DPA, you can rest assured that your data is protected securely and compliantly.

Please contact us. For more information and personalised advice Our dedicated team is at your disposal with expertise and personalised advice. Contact us now to discover customised solutions and realise your goals together.

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Our projects.
Joint successes.

Let's Go Cloud

Are you planning to introduce cloud technologies that are not only agile and efficient
but also meet the highest IT security standards?

We can support you!

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