The path to the digital law firm.
IT services for companies, tax consultants & auditors.

With over 40 years of expertise and know-how, CONVOTIS is at the forefront of IT innovation for digital law firms. As a certified DATEV Solution Partner, we offer specialised knowledge and customised solutions that support your flexibility and focus on your day-to-day business.

Together, we drive the digitalisation and optimisation of your law firm processes, always ensuring the highest levels of IT and data security. You can rely on our proven expertise to make your law firm effective and future-oriented.

Increase efficiency and transparency.
Your DATEV partner for digital law firm development.

The world of work is more digital than ever. New opportunities, increased efficiency, quality, sustainability and flexible working are just some of the benefits that come with this development. Advantages that also benefit the law firm business and make it fit for the future.

As a permanent partner, CONVOTIS helps you to digitalise your law firm with individual IT solutions, IT outsourcing and IT services. Thanks to maximum efficiency and high transparency, you can save valuable resources and costs while reducing security risks.
As a certified DATEV Solution Partner, you also receive expertise and cross-DATEV solutions.

Digitise with CONVOTIS. Your advantages.

Over 40 years of expertise and tax competence

Partnership at eye level & joint implementation

Certified DATEV Solution Partner

Over 50 certified IT, DATEV and Strategy Consultants

Successful co-operation.
Law firms that rely on CONVOTIS.

Do you need process solutions for your tax consultancy firm? Please contact us. CONVOTIS makes your work and that of your clients easier and faster. Our trained experts will be happy to advise you on your options and show you the opportunities that arise for you through digital law firm development.

Make an appointment now

Law firm processes and IT hand in hand
Holistic solutions for your law firm.

Optimise your law firm management efficiently with DATEV Tax Services from CONVOTIS, which digitalise your work processes. Our targeted process and IT solutions for tax consultants are designed to equip you for the challenges of a digital future. Rely on CONVOTIS to manage your law firm securely and progressively today and in the future.

Digital law firm management With the DATEV Tax Services from CONVOTIS.

Termin buchen

The digital law firm describes a law firm that is comprehensively organised digitally and procedurally and thus not only makes processes more efficient, but also more secure. The degree of digitalisation depends on the areas involved. In addition to collaboration with clients, accounting, human resources, declaration business and law firm management play a particularly important role here. CONVOTIS sets up the desired solutions for you quickly, easily and with a 360° view of your processes and also supports you and your law firm in close cooperation.

With DATEV Unternehmen online. Modern collaboration between law firm and client.

Digital accounting and document approval comprehensively simplifies accounting and the document management process. It can be used to create personnel master data and document data for clients, such as payment proposals from the documents, at lightning speed. All data is available online for clients and law firms at any time, which enables flexible working without the need to physically submit documents. By scanning or forwarding paper documents from external systems and integrating personnel master data and transaction data into DATEV Unternehmen online, all company documents, from GoBD-compliant cash books to outgoing invoices, can be easily processed online. This digitalisation leads to considerable cost savings and makes a lasting contribution to reducing processes.

Organise documents centrally and digitally.
In the DATEV Document Management System.

The DATEV Document Management System is an indispensable workflow tool for central document storage that optimises your law firm processes and makes business-relevant information immediately available, regardless of location. As every law firm has different requirements, CONVOTIS first determines the individual needs of your law firm in an initial consultation in order to then provide you with solutions tailored to your requirements.
This document management system is audit-proof, quickly searchable (OCR-based) and fully integrated into DATEV.

Manage yourlaw firm easily and professionally.
With the help of DATEV's own organisation solutions.

The law firm organisation solution can provide an active controlling and management system as well as order-oriented work that always gives you and your employees an overview of current orders and upcoming projects. In addition, you can access at any time
the processing status of a client order and the contribution margin generated to date
Contribution margin generated to date. If delays or planned cost overruns are imminent, you are
Warned at an early stage and can take countermeasures in good time. In addition, DATEV's own organisation solutions offer comprehensive evaluations for the assessment
different areas of your law firm - from your employees to your clients
to your clients.

  • Quick overviews of orders, processing status and services rendered.
  • Early warning system warns you during processing if planned values are exceeded.
  • Assignment of invoices to orders & monthly invoicing
  • E-invoice service for your outgoing invoices.
  • Electronic mail and deadline book.
  • Integrated mail and letter template management.

IT solutions for tax consultants Think future-orientated & work digitally.

Mehr erfahren

Dealing with things that are not part of the core business often takes up valuable time and causes costs. Today, this primarily includes IT, which is becoming increasingly complex. While technologies are constantly evolving and regulations are changing, it is also becoming increasingly difficult to find suitable specialists.

IT outsourcing in an all-round carefree package.

Outsourcing your IT and placing it in professional hands is an ideal solution. As an official DATEV PARTNERasp, CONVOTIS enables you to outsource your entire IT securely via the CONVOTIS cloud.

Work securely and flexibly from anywhere, with protected data and processes. Leave time-consuming routine processes to us so that you can focus on your core business. Benefit from comprehensive IT support and back up your data on our highly secure CONVOTIS servers in the DATEV data centre.

Relief for construction wages, payroll and salary accounting.
HR business outsourcing creates resources.

Employees are the most important asset of any company, but they also entail a high administrative burden. By not only digitising your HR processes, but also outsourcing them, you can ensure that all HR matters are processed accurately and punctually while freeing up time for your core business.

CONVOTIS takes care of payroll mandates and everything that goes with them on behalf of your tax consultancy firm. If you have any further questions or need help, a dedicated support team is available by e-mail or telephone.

Our services include the preparation of ongoing payroll accounting, issuing of certificates, support in the event of short-time working, provision of periodic standard reports, completion of annual financial statements, support during tax audits and the regular recording and maintenance of master and transaction data.

Work efficiently and securely.
From the digital workplace to IT security.

The digital workplace also harbours new challenges in terms of governance and compliance. You can meet these with the Managed IT Services that CONVOTIS offers you in the form of recurring IT services.

For the digital law firm to function, it needs intelligent digital workplace solutions that ensure a fail-safe IT system and guarantee uninterrupted operation. Data security plays a particularly important role in the sensitive working environment of law firms.

CONVOTIS therefore offers various security solutions that fully protect your law firm's data. This includes digital signatures for GDPR-compliant and legally binding digital signatures.

With cloud telephony from CONVOTIS, you can make calls from DATEV at the click of a mouse, while CONVOTIS offers hacker-proof email encryption and highly effective email security checks for greater security in confidential email traffic.

With Microsoft Defender, CONVOTIS offers your law firm reliable all-round protection against cyber criminals - from detection and automated defence against threats to reaction to threats.

DATEV-Schulung, IT-Messe, Event:Kommen wir ins Gespräch!

Our projects.
Joint successes.

We are here for you!

Do you need process solutions for your tax consultancy firm?
Unsure which solutions meet your requirements?
We will be happy to support you and answer your questions.

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